Wednesday, April 14, 2004


I saw bits and pieces of the 9/11 hearings today, with the Justice Department lineup. Here some tidbits:

1. Louis Freeh. Looked and sounded credible. Sharp command of the facts. Hammered by Democrats. Took an interesting shot at Richard Clarke. "By the way, Richard Clarke wasn't at any of those meetings. I don't know why Sandy Berger didn't want him there".

2. Janet Reno. A mess. Incoherent. Not credible.

3. Jim Thompson. Republican - former governor of Illinois. Totally kissed up to Janet Reno, gushing praise and asking softball questions. Ridiculous. Reminded me why I didn't vote for him.

4. John Ashcroft. Didn't see him, but saw a soundbite of him trashing the rules prior to 2001 that the Clinton adminstration imposed in 1995. Reminded the commission that one of it's members, Jamie Gorelick authored the rules.

5. Jamie Gorelick. Why is she on the commission, when she as Deputy Attorney General obstructed a lot of the anti-terrorism activities. She should be in the witness chair answering tough questions.

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