Thursday, April 07, 2005

Air Hysteria

I happened to catch the HBO documentary film about the launch of Air America, which is the liberal's attempt to have a left-wing presence on talk radio in the United States. Misguided, because the media already has a pronounced left-wing bias. But apparently not left-wing enough to these partisan "progressives" who feed out a daily diet of radical liberal stew.

That's fine by me. I enjoy good partisan passion on issues, even misguided ones. Plus, I want liberals to talk more in public. The more they talk, even rant, the more it's apparent that they do not represent mainstream thought. Talk more, I say.

The documentary intrigued me. So, I tuned in to Air America on the "progressive" radio station in the city I was visiting. After catching several hours of liberal-speak, which I enjoyed, I had three observations:

1. Worldview - it's amazing how much our "worldview" affects our opinions of each and every news item of the days. I say this as a former lefty and current right-winger. I understand both worldviews. If your worldview system is such that you believe that the current Administration and the Republican-dominated Congress is evil, then you can shape your facts to fit your belief that a conservative Christian right-wing cabal is trying to force a theocracy on America. I personally think that is ridiculous, but the hosts of Air America believe it with a passion.

I'm sure that, conversely, my worldview affects the way I process the facts of news stories as well. That's the nature of the bias that each of us bring to the table.

2. Hysteria - I've never heard so much ramped up hysteria in such a short time. Every topic was pushed to the maximum emotional extreme.

For example, I tuned in to the morning show mid-rant about the "traitors" on the right-wing involved in the Terri Schiavo matter. "Traitors", they ranted, who were intent on destroying the Constitution and imposing a theocracy. Traitors who were actually threatening violence against judges that they had labeled as arrogant. Traitors.

First, let me point out the irony of a show titled "Morning Sedition" accusing people of being traitors and threatening judges. (Sedition being defined as "incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority" by Are liberals irony-impaired?

Second, do liberals have even an ounce of originality. I.e. "Morning Sedition" ripping off NPR's Morning Edition and of course "The O'Franken Factor" ripping off Bill O'Reilly. Gut check: if you can't think of an original name for your show, should I give you any credit for deep thinking on your issues?

Trying to validate their ranting about the traitors, the hosts played some audio clips. One in particular was instructive.

In the setup to the clip the hosts told their audience that they were about to hear the Rev. Frank Pavone incite his listeners to attack judges for their role in the Schiavo matter.

The clip essentially said this, in full:

This was not a death, it was a murder. I grieve for Terry Schiavo, and I grieve for our nation.

The hosts jumped in after the clip to rant about how treasonous it was to incite violence against the judges.

Really? Did Rev. Pavone say that? Did the clip they played back up their accusations? Of course not. That didn't stop them from ranting about traitors.

3. Liberals use the F-word a lot. A lot. Really. (Don't believe me? Watch the documentary). Someone apparently taught them that passionate swearing was a good substitute for intelligent discourse. Nice.

But, hey, it's a big marketplace for ideas. And it's no fun being a partisan without opposition. So, I'm glad Air Hysteria is out there. Rant on, lefties.

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