Friday, November 25, 2005

Democrats Line Up to Surrender

The best sentence that I read in an editorial this week was this one, from Mona Charen's excellent column entitled "One Marine's Words":

Liberals seem always to believe that America will lose its wars, and when it doesn't, that it should.

That quote explains a lot. It especially explains why Democrats are falling over each other lately to get to a microphone to call for either complete surrender (Rep. Murtha calling for immediate withdrawal) or surrender on a payment plan (Sen. Barrack Obama calling for troop drawdown.)

Why the hurry to surrender? What's the rush?

The simple answer is that they have to do it now, because "Bush's War", as they call it, is about to experience a significant success and they have to undermine it before that can happen.

We've already seen three historically significant milestones in the War on Terror front in Iraq, as detailed in Ann Coulter's excellent column this week, where we are transforming a dangerous dictatorship that was a threat to the world into one of the sole democracies in the Mid East:

- deposing the tyrant Sadaam Hussein
- electing a constitutional assembly to draft a Constitution
- approving that Constituiton by a ration of 79% to 21%

Now we are within 20 days of the most crucial milestone in the War - a milestone that our troops have struggled for in harm's way - the democratic election of a government governed by their Constitution scheduled for December 15th in Iraq.

20 days from success, and Democrats are rushing to microphones to declare their new paradigm: that the Iraq mission was a tragic mistake (Sen. John Edwards), that the President lied them into voting for the war (Howard Dean), and that we should pull out troops and "admit our mistake" - a euphemism for surrender.

Unbelievable. But that's the state of Democratic leadership in our country today. These people cannot be trusted with power.

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