An open letter to President Bush and the Congress of the United States regarding the proposed "comprehensive immigration reform" bill, crafted in secret in a back-room collaboration of U.S. Senators and immigration proponents:
Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice, shame on me
Fool me 12 million times, and I will openly mock and ridicule your pretense of seriousness and your ability to draft and enforce the laws of our country.
Simple as that.
All you need to know is the damning number of 12 million. That's the minimum number of people in this country illegally - in violation of the laws passed by the Congress of the United States and signed by President's of the United States. 12 million people that the written law did not stop, and that the Exectutive Branch has neither the capacity or will to punish.
12 million scoffers at the laws of our country.
Failure to secure our borders and keep out even one person who you, Mr. Congressman and Mr. Senator and Mr. President, have said in the laws that you passed and signed should not be in the country, is a failure of your office.
Failure 12 million times is a dereliction of duty so massive that it boggles the mind and demands accountability. Not reform. Accountability.
You have no authority any more to pass laws on this matter. 12 million have scoffed at these unenforcable laws. The lawful citizens of this country now scoff at you too.
No amnesty bill will restore the authority of Congress on this matter. No reform. Only border enforcement. Once you have sealed the border, as is your duty, you can propose how to deal with the 12 million who have as their first act on our soil violated the law. Not until then.
Seal the border or resign!
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