Sunday, July 15, 2007

Left-Wing on Fire!

I had a rare treat this week - I had a rental car on my business trip that had XM Radio in it!

That means that I got to listen to radio stations that I don't otherwise get to hear. And for a news junkie that means talk radio. So, guess where I tuned - Air America!

Oh yeah, I listen to crazy leftwing media any chance I get. That might surprise you, but it shouldn't. Conservatives are newsjunkies and balanced ones at that. We give the other side a hearing. Liberals, on the other hand, who often claim to be so informed and intelligent avoid conservative media like the plague. It's easier for them to avoid conservative sources because there are so few outside of talk radio. Conservatives are inundated with liberal thought from every mainstream source, and are not afraid of it.

I can name for you the liberal talk radio hosts that I've listened to when I had the chance to. Lionel and Rhandi Rhoades on Air America. Ed Schultz and Alan Colmes on Talk Left on Sirius. Anyone on NPR. Granted, I never agree with them and often heckle them as I'm driving. But at least I give them a listen.

If you're a liberal, name for me the last conservative talk radio show that you sought out to listen to? Yeah, that's what I thought you narrow-minded conformists. :)

So, what are they talking about on leftwing radio lately? Well apparently they really hate this guy Bush.

IMPEACH! Impeach now, before lunch. Why haven't we IMPEACHED Bush yet? He's a criminal. The worst of the worst and EVERYONE knows it. IMPEACH. How should we impeach? When can we impeach? Should we wait to impeach until right before the election to win the most seats? Can we impeach Cheney at the same time? What's wrong with the Democrats in the House that they haven't IMPEACHED Bush yet? How could he have commuted Libby - IMPEACH!

It was pretty entertaining for as long as I had it.

Oh, and apparently they are worked up this week over Republican Senator David Vitter of Lousiana, who's name popped up on the phone call list of the D.C madam. HYPOCRITE! Which, as I've mentioned before seems to be one of the worst offenses on the liberal radar screen - conservative hypocrisy. There is no liberal hypocrisy after all, because they have no standards from which they could fall short of. Everything's okay. Go for it. If that's your motto, how could you be a hypocrite? You can't. Me personally, I prefer the guys who hold up standards for our culture even if they ocassionally fall short of them.

Do I care that David Vitter of Louisiana apparently visited call girls in New Orleans? Is that the biggest problem they have in New Orleans, where liberal Democrats rule? Corruption? deeply entrenched systemic poverty,? Any of that ring a bell? And we have to chase Vitter out of office because he went to a hooker?

I wish I had Air America more often. I could use the entertainment.

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