What is John McCain doing campaigning in Mexico City today?
Or Columbia yesterday?
Is he trying to shore up the Bogata and Mexico City vote? Here's a hint to his campaign managers - they don't get to vote in our elections. (At least, not yet until McCain gets his way with comprehensive immigration reform and throws open our citizenship to everyone who can scramble over our borders.)
Is he harboring secret esoteric knowledge that Global Free Trade or the War on Drugs are going to suddenly emerge as winning issues against Barack Hussein Obama? Does he not understand the anger in middle-America about outsourced jobs?
The tradgedy of John McCain wasting time on a tour of South and Central America is this: John McCain could leep to the front and take and unassailable lead on Obama if he would jump on the critical issue of this election:
$5 gas!
That will be the burning issue (pardon the pun) of the election. $5 a gallon gas. McCain should jump on this immediately.
Go North to Alaska!
McCain should get on a flight right now to Alaska. Meet up with the Governor - Sara Palin. Travel together to the ANWR Coastal Plain, where we could be drilling for oil and aren't. Let her convince you to open the area up for drilling and CHAMPION IT!
I heard Gov. Palin on a radio program the other day. She's very sharp and capable. She strongly made the point that Alaska has an abundance of natural resources (oil, natural gas, etc.), and stands ready to contribute to the whole U.S. with those resources. She argued that drilling can and should be done.
She's right. McCain is wrong. I've been there. I lived in Alaska for four years. I've walked, physically, on the boggy tundra of the North Slope of Alaska. It is not the pristine wilderness that John McCain contains to state that it is, or that the video footage that network news shows as it. It is a barren wasteland. A mosquito swamp. We can and should drill there right now!
Newt Gingrich is right on target with his Drill Here, Drill Now campaign. He's absolutely right that this is the issue that will turn the election.
Sen. John McCain has been too wrong for too long on this issue. But, he has the chance to change that and seize the winning issue in this election.
Fly to Alaska!
Go to ANWR!
Champion drilling in ANWR as part of a comprehensive change in energy policy!
And, while you're at it, name Govenor Palin of Alaska as your VP.
McCain could seize the winning ground here and take this thing away from Obama. But, he won't. So hey, since you're going to waste the election, just keep traipsing around down in Mexico City.
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