Tuesday, November 18, 2003

My conspiracy juices are flowing...

The slew of JFK assination "40th anniversary" shows are stirring my conspiracy blood again. The "single bullet theory" was the mother of conspiracy theory and I was an afficianado of the theories for a couple of decades. What started it all for me was, of course, the Zapruder film. Bottom line for me: there's no way that head shot came from above and behind. A budding conpiracy theorist was born.

I am definitely a conspiracy theory kind of guy. If you saw Mel Gibson in "Conspiracy Theory" you saw a little bit of me. I could relate to the opening credits scene where he's driving a cab and ranting to the passengers about one government conspiracy after another (including the black helicopters!). And I felt totally busted when he got to his apartment and pulled a newspaper clipping file out of a file cabinet. I was probably the only one at my company that had a newspaper clipping file in his desk drawer. I could pull out a clipping on any number of Clinton misdeeds. Busted.

For the record, I believe that there is a high possibility that:

- JFK was shot from the grass knoll
- Vince Foster, Clinton's White House scandal lawyer, was murdered and dropped in Ft. Marcy Park - not a suicide
- some of the entries on the Clinton "death list" that floated around the internet are true
- that Clinton sold out national security in the form of nuclear technology in exchange for campaign cash thru John Huang and Johnny Chung
- Iraq was involved in financing, organizing, or assisting Tim McVeigh in the Oklahoma City bombing. And that John Doe #2 was an Iraqi
- TWA flight 800 over Long Island was a shoot down, not an exploding fuel tank
- Iraq was a state sponsor of 9-11 as evidenced by the Salman Pak terrorist training camp near Baghdad where terrorists were trained on a 707 in the desert to hijack an aircraft using box cutters.

I even marginally believe that West Nile Virus is a form of terrorist attack from Iraq given that:

- included in the virus stocks that the U.S. government sold Hussein in the '80s was WNV &
- Hussein was known to have a bioweapons program in coordination with Cuba on WNV &
- the 1st recorded cases of WNV was across the street from the United Nations building.

Now those are conspiracies you can sink your teeth in.

This week I realized that I miss the Clinton conspiracy theories. For 8 years the man just kept turning them out, keeping us in the "informed 30%" going crazy. Those were the days.

(Sidenote: during the Clinton years I saw a poll that said basically that 30% of Americans really pay attention to the news at an informed level. Polls also said that the percent of Americans who were hard core "Clinton haters" was..... 30%. Connect the dots...)

The current crop of Bush conspiracies is lame by comparison. The best the Democratic candidates and the lefties in general can throw at Bush are:

- his evil, neocon, warhawk cabinet of Cheney and company lied us into a war in Iraq to enrich their oil tycoon buddies at Haliburton. (No War for Oil!)
- the Bushies leaked the name of a CIA officer to get back at her husband for making Bush look bad about a line he used in the State of the Union speech.

The first one is an outrageous and silly claim. The facts are simple:

1) Haliburton is the only company large enough to project the needed workforce overseas to rebuild Iraq. That's why they win the no-bid contracts. They won them during the Clinton years, too. and

2) Bush made it clear right after 9-11 that the rules had changed. (And he was right to change them). No longer was it enough to treat terrorist like criminals and waste years trying to find them and bring them to a court. Security in the post 9-11 world demands miltary action to take down the terrorists and their state sponsors who enable them with money, training, and safe haven to operate from. That means bin Laden (routed and in hiding) and the Taliban (gone) both. That means Sadaam (routed and in hiding). It's not a conspiracy. It's finally a serious president who get's it.

The second one is just silly. Someone in the administration may have leaked the name, and they should be indicted. But conspiracy? get real.

I guess I'll watch "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" again tonight on the History Channel.

All 3 hours. For the 3rd time.

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