Well well well. Another Ryan is in political trouble in Illinois.
First we had George Ryan, a crook through and through as our Govenor. He managed to hold off indictment until he made it through one term.
Then we had his heir apparent Jim Ryan who crashed and burned in what should have been a transition to power. His undoing? I believe it was his total failure as Attorney General to do any thing investigatively about his boss, a crook. He gave him a free ride and then coasted in on election day saying "What? Was I supposed to have done something". Thanks Jim, for us having a Democrat for govenor now.
It wasn't enough that the two Ryans are no longer in power. They, and the Republican Party power structure who supported them, brought about a wholesale slaughter of Republican candidates on the ballot at all levels that year. It will take the party a long time to recover.
I say all of that as a Republican who was infuriated with my party's leadership, or lack thereof. They hurt the party in Illinois.
Now we have Jack Ryan, running for an open - Republican held - Senate seat. The Democrats want it bad to tip the balance of the U.S. Senate back to the Democrats. So they're playing hardball. Their allies in the press forced Ryan to release his divorce records containing salacious allegations of sex club partying.
For the record, I do not consider the allegations serious enough for him to drop out of the race. For one thing they are unsubstantiated allegations in a custody battle. Reason 2 - his ex wife supports his bid calling him a good man and a loving father. Lastly, he didn't break any laws, cheat on his wife, or commit any physical violence. I think he's qualified and should stay in the race.
Ray Lahood, my Congressman - who I like and always vote for, thinks otherwise. He's calling on Ryan to step down.
Nice. Where were you Mr. Lahood when our party supported a crook for 4 years in the Govenor's office. I never heard from you then.
The Chicago Republican machine, led by Judy Barr-Topinka, are also calling for Ryan to step down.
Nice. Where were you, Judy, when you and your fellow party bosses brought the Republican party to staggering defeat in the last Illinois election? In fact, why are you still a party boss?
Message to Ms. Topinka and Congressman Lahood: Wrong issues, wrong Ryan.
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