Jimmy Carter has apparently lost his ever-loving mind. And he's trashing the reputation of ex-Presidents as senior statemen who's opinion should be valued and sought in weighty matters of state.
Jimmy Carter has been in the news for three things of late:
1. Certifying the election in Venezuala as an election monitor. This was an election so fraudulent, apparently, that event the European Union will not recognize the results. A thoroughly corrupt coronation of a thug for president. And, it can surely be said, Jimmy Carter never met a thug dictator that he did not like - so he certified the election.
2. Answering the question of what his two favorite movies of all time are: Casablanca and Farenheit 9/11. Puh - leeeeeeze. This answer alone should disqualify him from being sought for an opinion ever again.
3. Opining this week in the press that the American Revolutionary War was an uneccessary war. That if England had only respected our rights a little more the war could have been avoided and eventually America would have gained our freedom without bloodshed.
Why does anyone still seek Jimmy Carter's opinion? Reporters: please let him stay with the noble causes he's good with: teaching Sunday School and building houses for the poor. Those are worthy endeavors. Meddling in foreign affairs? That, ehhhhhh - he's not so good with.
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