Thursday, October 14, 2004

John Kerry's America

After watching the 3 Presidential debates, and listening to John Kerry's relentless drumbeat of pessimism and negativity, here's what I've learned:

In John Kerry's America:

George Bush has:

- Lied us into the wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time - apparently for the wrong reason having to do with making his oil buddies at companies like Halliburton rich while the bodies pile up in Iraq (more in September than there were in August, more in August than there were in July, more in July than there were in June). Or was it to avenge his daddy?
- Squandered our budget surplus to give tax giveaways to all his rich buddies
- Lost all of our good jobs overseas to make greedy companies richer.
- Sold out our government to the wishes of the Saudi Royal Family.

and George Bush wants to:

- Leave all of our children behind.
- Take away your Social Security checks.
- Keep you from having prescription drugs free from the government.
- Stuff his religious, bigoted, scientifically ignorant beliefs down every Embryonic Stem Cell's throat.
- Take a way a women's constitutional right to choose. (Choose what? Oh, sorry, we're not supposed to ask that question)
- Raid your house and toss you in jail for fun under the Patriot Act

While John Kerry would:

- have a good job for everyone. Not as high paying as being a gigolo Senator with a billionaire wife, but you know what he means.
- give everyone all the prescription drugs they want, preferrably from Canada
- Make the French and Germans like us. Oh, and the UN too.
- Hunt and kill the terrorists, but not go over there to do it
- End the deficit and give tax cuts to "those who need it most", or at least the ones that he needs votes from.
- Ban guns, except for the hunting guns that he happens to use for sport when he's not, say, windsurfing

After all, he has plans.

And apparently in John Kerry's America you can:

- Vote to authorize a President to use any military force deemed necessary to depose a dangerous dictator who potentially has weapons and intent to harm us, but not acutally ever use that force - and still get what you want if you do it "smarter"

- "Defend your country when you're young" and be a 3 month war hero fit to lead this nation, and also be patriotic by returning home and trashing the war and painting all of your fellow veterans as murderers and rapists.

Please, spare me. I'm getting depressed by John Kerry's America.

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