Saturday, July 23, 2005

Liberals Suddenly Discover Respect for Security

If it wasn't so outrageous, it would be funny.

I'm talking about the liberals' sudden discover of respect for National Security in the Karl Rove affair. The smell blood in this story. To achieve the end of taking down their archenemy - Karl Rove, who is 2 for 2 in defeating them in Presidential elections - they will embrace any position, consistent with their past behavior or not.

For example, liberals on leftist websites are falling all over themselves to decry the incredible betrayal of national security by exposing a CIA agent. I'm sorry, aren't these the same leftists who on any other story would be ranting about the bad reputation that America has in the world because of rogue CIA operations that train terrorists like Osama bin Laden? The same leftists who passed laws when they had control of Congress to handcuff the CIA and limit their effectiveness? But now, when it fits with their agenda of taking down Bush and Rove, they will sing of the critical role of the CIA in our nation's security.

Another example: Liberals are mad. Hopping mad. They want Karl Rove's security clearance pulled now - no waiting for the results of the special prosecutor's investigation. How, they ask, can a person work in the White House if there is any suspcion about their deservedness of a security clearance. Almost any day now you can find politicians like Chuck Shumer or angry White House press corps members like Helen Thomas find a microphone and demand that Rove's security clearance be pulled.

I can only laugh. Hysterically. Spewing out my drink funny.

Let me hold in my mind for a minute the visual spectacle of an angry Helen Thomas, in the White House briefing room, lecturing White House Press Secretary Scott Mclellan about the need to pull Rove's security clearance.

The reason this is hysterically funny is that for months, if not years, after President Clinton took office his Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers did not have a security clearance. She wouldn't bother getting one. Neither did a large percentage of the White House staff, including members of Clinton's National Security Council staff.

I refer you back to the excellent book by former FBI agent Gary Aldrich entitled "Ulimited Access". Aldrich was the FBI agent assigned to the White House with the primary function of vetting staff for security clearances. As you would guess, the FBI is not in the habit of assigning that post to incompetent morons. Aldrich and his partner were highly regarded veteran agents assigned to a high profile and sensitive post in the White House. They took their role seriously.

Aldrich writes in his book that the Clinton Administration virtually nullified the security clearance procedure, mainly because a large percentage of them could not qualify for the clearance. Clinton brought to the White House a contingent of 60's radical lefties who had issues: drug usage, radical protest pasts, communist affiliations, whatever. Mostly drug use. Aldrich relates stories of interviewing staffers about their current drug use frequency and getting answers like 400 times a year.

How did the Clinton Administration respond to the fact that many of their staffers and policy makers could not qualify for a security clearance? They basically voided the policy and allowed permanent staff to walk around with visitor's passes for months on end.

Any wonder how Chinese government front company agents walked into the White House with bags of cash in exchange for permission to buy nuclear missile technology? It's because the White House security policy was trashed under Clinton. Hence his title, Unlimited Access.

So, do you think that when Helen Thomas was questioning Dee Dee Myers in the press briefing room that she made a stink about Myers attending policy meetings in the White House without a security clearance? Of course not. But now, she wants Rove's clearance pulled and delivered to the press on a silver platter.


By the way, did Aldrich receive praise as a whistle blower for alerting us to the trashed security system in the White House - the way the press is currently heaping praise on Joe Wilson as a hero? Of course not. In fact, the White House squad led by partisan political hack George Stephanopoulis organized a call campaign to pressure all of the network news shows to cancel interviews with Aldrich. Which they promptly did. The book was a best seller, despite a mainstream news media blackout.

They also managed to cause significant damage to Aldrich's reputation. So, where was Helen Thomas and the leftists bleating about the damage caused to national security by a White House smear campaign against a reputable FBI agent? Nowhere. They were in the scrum piling on.


I just have to laugh.

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