Saturday, July 23, 2005

Sacrament Theory Proved

Liberal reaction to President Bush's selection of Judge John Roberts as a Supreme Court nominee prove that Rush Limbaugh and others have been right all along in one particular explanation of liberalism that goes like this:

The sole sacrament in the temple of liberalism is abortion.

Simple. True. Abortion rights are the be-all and end-all of modern American liberalism. Hence, liberal pro-abortion activists at NOW, NARAL, et. al are lining up to slander Judge Roberts before the first hearing has been held.

You don't have to look far on in any 24-hour news cycle to find this theory borne out.

For example, the newspaper I read on Friday as I ate my lunch prominently featured the results of a poll that asked three questions:

1. Do you like Bush's pick of Judge Roberts?
2. Do you think that Roberts should be confirmed?
3. Do you think that Roberts should reveal his views on abortion to Congress during the nomination hearings?

All day that day, on every media outlet, the press was playing up a slight majority favorable on question number 3.

Nobody asked this question: why was question 3 in the poll as the sole question on policy?

Don't you want to know Judge Roberts' views on other topics? On:

- the limits of the role of the Federal Government
- the viability of military tribunals in the War on Terror
- private property rights vs. the ability of the government to take your property
- taxes
- other cultural issues such as the definition of marriage or the proper role of religious expression in the public square

Don't you want to know about those things and the hundreds of other issues that come before the court?

So, why did the poll - drafted by liberal media outlets, with probable influence from liberal interest groups - only ask about abortion?

Simple. Because it is the overriding and defining liberal sacrament.

And the coming Supreme Court battle that the left will launch against the nominee will make that abundantly clear.

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