Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Pass it Harder

Congress is embroiled this week in passing legislation to deal with the substantial problem of illegal immigration, include penalties for those who have broken the law to violate the borders of the U.S. In response, 500,000 protesters filled the streets of Los Angeles last Saturday to advocate against the law and in favor of rights for these law-breakers.

This bold in-your-face demonstration by such a large crowd, many of whom were probably the illegals in question and who had no fear of protesting in public - with Mexican flags raised high - illustrate clearly the magnitude of the problem and dictate the direction of the solution.

Pass whatever legislation is required to get control of our borders. Pass it now.

Pass it harder.

And then enforce it, with every ounce of political will necessary.

Can we please cut through the horsecrap on this issue?

- A country must have control of it's borders if it is to maintain it's safety, values, and way of life.

- A country also benefits from a sane immigration policy that allows new people in, from all races and ethnicities and geographies, at a controlled pace that allows for assimilation into our country. You remember: e pluribus unum. (out of many, one). The "melting pot". That's what assimilation is. Allow people in, but control the pace and require assimilation. Diversity of culture yes, but allegiance to the country and assimilation as well.

- We accomplish the two goals of controlled immigration through two means - border security and lawful immigration policy.

- The border security has been entirely degraded, with at least 500,000 "illegals" skipping across the border each year. There are people trying to do it legally and waiting in line. And then there are criminals who break-in. This is not adequate security.

It's not only terrorists who can come in with that flood of illegals. There are hardened criminals in the bunch as well, who circumvent the background check required of the people who do this by the book.

- Our laws, which define how many people can be lawfully emigrated and assimilated in a given time period, have been rendered meaningless by lack of enforcement. The rule of law degraded.

- The words "illegal immigrant" mean something. If you've entered the country illegally, you have violated the law.

It's time for our elected officials to be accountable on this.

Pass whatever new laws are needed.

Secure the border.

Enforce the laws.


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