I watched the snore-fest called a debate last night between John McCain and Barack Obama. Some thoughts:
1. Two words: President Obama.
2. I've seen this debate before: Bob Dole vs. Bill Clinton in 1996, and we all know how that turned out. I was waiting for McCain to say, as Dole did, "I can't believe I'm losing to this guy!"
3. Does John McCain want to win this thing? Or is he in the tank for Obama. If he wants to win, he needs to drop the courteous Senator thing and get angry and passionate. This "it's everybody's fault" and "I'm so bipartisan that I work work well with every liberal Senator in the book" stick is sickening.
I know officially consider it hopeless, barring some jarring national event. Like, for example, the press suddenly paying attention to Barack Obama's overwhelming negatives. Unfotunately, I think that Obama would actually have to get caught in a polling place in an ACORN t-shirt registering dead people to vote for that to happen.
Oh well. We had a brief shining moment with Sarah.
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