Thursday, October 02, 2008

the Weasels vote Aye!

So, the U.S. Senate passed the Lurching-into-Socialism emergency bailout bill last night. Yipee.

Here's why many Americans hate Congress: instead of passing this toxic bill straight-up, because it's an emergency and we need to save the country, they had to first add 300 PAGES of tax giveaways. Why? Because they know this bill had to pass and so they sneaked in all of the goodies and earmarks. Nice.


So, where was President-wannabe John "I'll veto any earmarks and make the authors famous" McCain? Quitely voting Aye with the rest of the weasels.

Quick, someone remind me: What good is John McCain as the Republican standard-bearer again?

I despise U.S. Senators. How did we end up with 3 of them on the tickets?

We're screwed.

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