Thursday, August 11, 2005

Abortion Distortion

The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) issued an advertisement this week accusing Supreme Court nominee John Roberts of taking legal action to support abortion clinic bombers.

This is a blatant and completely dishonest distortion of the facts of the case, and is the new low in the reprehensible behavior of the left in their attempt to defeat the nominee. Have they no shame whatsoever?

The case referenced involved technical arguments over who had jurisdiction to act on issues of legal protests in front of abortion clinics - state or federal. Roberts argued in front of the Supreme Court in favor of it not being a federal issue, and won 6-3. So, simply said, if Roberts was guilty in that action of supporting clinic bombers then so is the Supreme Court. It's ridiculous and completely dishonest.

Don't believe me? See for yourself in this analysis on

Roberts is adequately on the record deploring violence at clinics and NARAL convieniently leaves that out. Why? Because it's not about the facts, it's about the results. They want to defeat Roberts and will use sleazy tactics to do so.

NARALs dishonest smear campaign against an honorable man is deplorable and outrageous, and we should heap further shame and scorn on an already disreputable organization.

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