Friday, August 05, 2005

NY Times Adoption Inquiry Reprehensible

So, it's come to this.

It was easy to speculate that the left in this country, including liberal media outlets like the NY Times, would do anything to attempt a takedown of Supreme Court nominee John Roberts. Easy, because there is a pattern of behavior to base a prediction on including the confirmation hearings of Robert Bork and Clarence t Thomas.

The problem that the liberals have is two fold:

First, the President is entitled by the Constitution, and by virtue of having won the election, of choosing a nominee of his liking. He clearly prefers a conservative with tendencies to respect the law and the Constituition and, despite liberal carping and clamoring that he choose a "consensus" nominee (read "evolving liberal"), he chose one in John Roberts.

Second, Roberts has an impeccable and bulletproof resume. Bulletproof, that is, if one is laying by respectable rules.

Therein lies the problem. Based on past patterns, the left will not play by civil rules. They will attack and smear and take any low road to take down a respectable and honorable man just because they differ from his view. Despicable, but predictable.

Were we wrong? Have we gone overboard in our predictions of the low behavior of the left? Of course not. A case in point:

Conservative media was aflame yesterday with reports that the NY Times had launched an investigation into the adoption of John Robert's two children. Confirmation is found in this Newsmax story. They had no probable cause to launch an investigation. It's a pure fishing expedition to find dirt to trash someone personally. They cloaked in in terms of a "background check", despite it being an apparent smear hunt.

I'm outraged at this, as I have been by no other story in a long time.

As an adoptive father twice myself, I want to state unequivocably that this attempt by the NY Times to pierce the sealed adoption records in this context is reprehensible and is completely out of bounds. Shame should heaped on the appropriate officials at this newspaper for reaching a new low in journalism.


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