Monday, April 30, 2007

Fire the Holdovers!

George Tenet, former Director of the CIA under Bill Clinton and George Bush, has released his long-awaited tell all book about his tenure. Included is his version of the events of 9/11, with a fair amount - if reviews are right - of blame shifting and Bush administration bashing.

Just goes to prove: Bush made a huge mistake holding over some cabinet members from the Clinton administration!

All of the Democrats that Bush held over into his administration - foolishly - have left and then stabbed him in the back with tell all books. Cowards.

George Bush's major undoing has been foolish loyalty to people who didn't deserve it. Bush had all of the talent in the USA to choose from in selecting his cabinet. Many competent and outstanding Republicans, who would have been more aligned with Bush's goals. Keeping Democrats in the house was foolish, and has time has proved - damaging.

Tenet should have been dismissed as Bush took office. Failing that, he should have been fired immediately after 9/11 for massive failures in the agency he lead. Bush - prizing loyalty above performance - got what he deserved this week:

Stabbed in the back by a faithless Democrat.

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