I'm a conspiracy theory fan. Have been for at least 20 years. The impetus for that being the mother of all conspiracy theory cases: the assasination of John F. Kennedy.
I've read all the books. Watched all the renactments and computer simulations. Walked Dealy Plaza and stood on the Grassy Knoll. I'm invested, baby.
So, when I saw a new book on the topic in the non-fiction section of my library this week, I snapped it up. Read it cover to cover in two days.
The book? "A Simple Act of Murder" by Mark Furhman. Yeah, that Mark Furhman, of the infamous OJ case. (Another great conspiracy theory!
Furhman is, by the way, a talented homicide detective. Here, he looks at all the evidence the way a homicide detective arriving on the scene would. Analyzes it. Makes a determination about who did it and how.
Very convincing. Maybe one of the best books I've read on the case. He actually explained all of my questions quite nicely.
Case closed.
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