Monday, March 07, 2005

Get Out Your Wallets...

...Hillary Clinton's friends overseas need abortions. And you're expected to pay for them. Right now. Cash on the barrelhead. Pony up, and don't be stingy.

Sen. Clinton is in the news this week because of the tenth anniversary of the United Nation's Fourth Conference on Women. The U.S. delegation to the conference ten years ago was, I believe, led by Hillary on behalf of her husband - President Clinton. It gave Hillary a global stage to parrot their supporter's abortion-on-demand as a woman's natural rights message with United Nations seal of approval on it. Hillary had a far-left agenda then and, on the tenth anniversary, has a far-left agenda still.

According to the article on

Senator Hillary Clinton says the Bush administration's policy of withholding aid from overseas groups that perform abortions is hurting women and forcing clinics to close.

Clinton spoke yesterday at a New York University forum to mark the 10th anniversary of the United Nations' fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing.

She said 20 million women worldwide risk unsafe abortions every year, 68,000 die, and many more are injured.

President Bush reinstituted the so-called global gag rule when he took office. Under the rule, overseas non-governmental organizations that perform abortions or advocate the legalization of abortion are ineligible for U.S. government money.

Let me see if I have this right: If average American citizens, like myself, do not want to coercively pony up tax money out of our paychecks to hand over to foreign groups to perform free abortions, then we are hurting women? Is that so.

This, the logic of Democratic leaders like their presumptive leader Sen. Hillary Clinton, is why Democrats running a long losing streak in major elections.

Just for the record, the United Nations does not have the right to insist that American taxpayers fund abortions overseas. Period. Plain and simple. Nor could Sen. Clinton put that up for a vote in a referendum in America and win it.

Thank God that President Bush is holding the line on this outrage.

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